Space to sing

6:00pm, Mon, 17 Jul 2023

  • Event Details
  • Type of event: Rehearsal
    Start time: 6:00pm
    Venue: Hawker Park Primary
  • Program
  • Start timeActivityMusicMinutesRun byDetails/Notes
    6:00pmSet up room 2  
    6:02pmPhysical warm-ups 3Helen Knight 
    6:05pmVocal warm-ups 5Alison Senior 
    6:10pmVocal warm-ups 5Alison Senior 
    6:15pmSection rehearsalSing Your Way Home (A♭)10Alison Seniorsplit into 2 groups for songs and have a practice
    6:25pmSection rehearsalEleanor Rigby (Gmin)10Alison SeniorAs above in sam groups
    6:35pmIntermission 5  
    6:40pmAnnouncements 6Alison Senior 
    6:46pmRehearse songBeauty and the Beast - all songs20Daneeka Pitchenconcurrent session -B and the Beast solo work with Rod - Gaston
    7:06pmRehearse songBeauty and the Beast - all songs1Alison Senior ensemble work
    7:07pmRehearse songLean on Me10 Lean on Me for World Singing Day
    7:17pmRehearse songBorn Again6  
    7:23pmRehearse songFestive Time5 tenor and Bass focus
    7:28pmClosing songOur Space to Sing2Alison Senior 
    Program Duration: 90 minutes; Finish time: 7:30pm